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Stretching let's see what it is and why we need it for our back

Let's talk about stretching: what is it? when can I do this?

Stretching is a physical exercise that involves stretching muscles and tendons for a certain period of time.

Although the scientific literature does not express uniform opinions on its effectiveness for prevention, stretching remains a highly advisable activity: a sportsman will do stretching before training, for the feeling of greater ease that is then felt during the performance, and after the training, for the sensation of stretching and relaxation it transmits. On the other hand, those who would like to increase physical activity can start with static stretching sessions (in which a position is assumed for a certain time, and repeat it several times) then moving on to the dynamic one (i.e. which involves movements at progressive speed) once obtained good muscle control.

For those who suffer from back pain, and even if you do not suffer from back ache, stretching helps to relieve pain and, if done consistently, also to prevent it.


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